We'd like to take you back and show you some pictures of the last 3 months, but that will be for another blog. For now, I'll do a quick recap. We arrived at our new home in Terry, MS on April 13th. Steven got right to work on the house, working his day job (trim carpentry in new homes) and then going straight over to the house and working till the wee hours of the night...6 days a week. Meanwhile, we lived with friends from our church who have a small apartment above their garage that they use to house missionaries or others in need. Jenny took care of the kids on her own while GREAT with child.
After a while, we began praying that we would at least be in the house in time for the birth!! Especially since we were planning another home birth. The Lord is gracious and we moved in 2 weeks before our baby arrived. The house was not finished but was livable. We moved in on June 14th, our 11 year wedding anniversary! The following day was Father's Day and we enjoyed honoring Daddy who worked so hard to provide a home for us.
Jenny's mom arrived a week later, then Jessie (Jenny's sister-in-law) a few days after that. They helped us get things ready for the baby's arrival, help take care of the boys, and be there for the birth. On June 28th at 11:49pm our sweet little baby girl arrived!!! Her name is Mahaila Jo and most often we call her "Hailey Jo"...which fits well here in the south :) She weighed 8lbs. 6oz. and was 21 inches long. Jenny had a wonderful birth at home...her best one yet! We are so blessed to have little Hailey Jo in our lives. The boys absolutely adore her.
It has been so much fun to have a little girl. It felt really strange though, to put her in pink and little dresses. The first time we dressed her we felt like we were dressing a boy in girl's clothes!
We have spent the last 5 weeks enjoying our sweet Mahaila Jo, working on the house and continuing to unpack. The time has flown by. We hope to be more faithful to blogging so y'all can stay abreast of our happenings. Next time we'll post some pictures of the house renovation.
Love to you all!!!
Steven & Jenny